Franchising for Veterans

Build a secure future for you and your family after service

As a former Marine, I have a special interest in helping veterans, and want to do everything I can to help them find the same success in civilian life as I did after leaving service. However, there’s more to this than just personal reasons. The fact is that most veterans make fantastic franchise owners!

You may not have thought of it this way until now, but while you were serving your country, you were also developing many of the skills that make for a successful business owner.


  • Understand leadership & teamwork
  • Are self-disciplined and organized
  • Are results-driven & not afraid of hard work
  • Are able to follow a process and system
  • Understand sacrifice & don’t give up easily
  • Are tenacious & strong under pressure

15% of franchise owners in the US are veterans and it’s easy to see why: these are all valued business qualities!

Find the right franchise with someone who has been where you are now

As someone who has been in your shoes (or, in your boots!), why not let me help you find the right franchise and understand how you can use your unique skills to build an incredible new life for yourself?

I understand what it’s like after military service and how important it is to find a new mission in life.

Of course, I’m not the only one who knows how great vets are as franchisees – franchisors do, too! Which is why so many offer special incentive programs to help veterans finance a franchise with them. They know a winner when they see one.

I’d be happy to go through some options with you, and also put you in touch with people who value vets as much as I do.